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Technical Data

Influence of Heating on the Performance of Flat Tempered Glass

Source: LandGlass  Attention: 1295  Published: 2014-04-06

The heating progress is important in the production of flat tempered glass. The metal fixture with free rotation on surfaces of the glass and vertical direction of the glass can help to keep the verticality of the glass.

Fast and homogeneous heating of the glass can achieve the most ideal effect. Heterogeneous heating will lead to stress distribution on surface of the glass and poor tensile stress, which is the main cause of intensity decreasing. Fast heating is the efficient way to avoid softening and deformation of the glass. Temperature of the furnace should be set a little higher than the ideal temperature. Manufacturers can control temperature of the glass by adjusting the time for heating or setting the take-out temperature of glass.

The main reason that leads to bending and deformation of the flat glass is mainly heterogeneous heating and overheating, the improper use of fixture and disproportion of the weight and volume of the fixture are also leading reasons.