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Temperature Control of Glass Tempering Furnace

Source: LandGlass  Attention: 1578  Published: 2014-06-22

Temperature control in glass tempering furnaces is the core part in the production process of tempered glass, and exerts an important influence on the quality of the products. Therefore, to get a hang on the temperature control technology is the first and foremost step of successfully controlling the whole production process of tempered glass.

To produce tempered glass with the best quality, temperature in the glass tempering furnace must be controlled accurately. Inappropriate tempering temperature will lead to the product defects. For example, roller scratches and pockmarks may appear on the surface of glass and glass may bend or even break in the quenching section when the temperature is not properly controlled.

In order to successfully control the temperature, much importance should be placed on the following two points. First, glass must be heated to a given temperature quickly. Second, the temperature difference between varied parts of the glass surface must be small enough, namely the glass surface must be heated evenly as much as possible. To meet the above requirements, several heating methods can be combined. The glass tempering furnaces of LandGlass possess brilliant temperature control technology.