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Safety Precautions in Glass Tempering Furnace Operation

Source: LandGlass  Attention: 1483  Published: 2014-07-08

A glass tempering furnace is a heavy machine, the failure or breakdown of which will cause huge economic damages to enterprises. All manufacturers want their glass tempering furnace to work steadily and normally. Therefore, operators must keep in mind safety precautions when operating a glass tempering furnace, so that appropriate measures will be taken timely once an emergency occurs. Here are four of the most important safety precautions.


1. The working mode of the glass tempering furnace can’t be switched during processing, or serious default will happen and the glass will be contained in the oven.

2. A new batch of glass can be transported into the oven only after all the glass in the oven has moved out of the oven.

3. A glass tempering furnace must be switched into standby mode when it is to be overhauled, so that safety can be ensured and manual operation can be done.

4. Prioritize safety when overhauling a glass tempering furnace and press the scram button or cut off the power when necessary.